WIshes for New Year

Happy New Year 2012
[Today, 31st od December 2011] I'm posting here, because I have wishes for next year. Before I go back, tomorrow and spend my boring time at home. I wish :
  1. I wish I will be student of one of this university (Nanyang Technological University, Kyoto University, Bandung Technological University, University of Indonesia)
  2. So because that, I wish all my documents of NTU is accepted and then I can join the entrance of NTU examination
  3. So because that, I wish I can join "Ivitation of University" and then I wish I'm accepted in Art and Design Faculity of Bandung Technological University (FSRD ITB/Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB)
  4. We (Gycentium) wish we can do the intensive programme patiently and of course full of spirit
  5. I wish we (Gycentium Credas Disorator) can do the National Examination easily
  6. I wish I give a power to finish my study in Insan Cendekia
  7. I wish I can give the best for my family in all aspect
  8. I wish all wishes will be true, amiiinnn :-)
Ok, Spirit guys!! Although, tomorrow [1st of January 2012] we have to go back to IC and then meet all activity in IC "again" and "again". This is our last time in IC. Like Naylah --> SEMANGAAATTT kawan ... :-)

"Hidup harus menerima ... Penerimaan yang indah. Hidup harus mengerti ... Pengertian yang benar. Hidup harus memahami ... Pemahaman yang tulus. (Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin-Tere Liye) "


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