GELIGA "Gueh Dua Belas IPA 3"

new term, new class !!!!!
I have become XII grade and now I want to tell you about my class in XII grade ...
I'm in XII NS 3
you can call us GELIGA (belum punya nama baru lagi :)). and the members are*):
Aditya Indra Pratama
Ahmad Faiz Ibadurrahman
Ahmad Roziqy Ahsani
Anas Zakariyya
Andina Yuni Pratiwi
Arum Adiningtiyas
Atika Rifda
Aurora Rahmani M H
Faizah Khoirunnisa
Fitri Hasanah Amhar --> the 2nd treasure of class
Fitriyani --> the secretary of class
Hamzah Asadurrahman
Ima Halimah --> the 1st treasure of class
Irvan Hilmy
Kamilah Aisyi
Khalid Adil --> the chief of class
Leny Silviana F
Puji Syukrillah

*)I'm sorry if there is a mistake


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