“Hello, do you know when I decide to write this kind of post, I was not in the good mood. But I always deny about talking a private matter in my blog beside I need to express my feeling, sometimes badly. I thought it would be a little bit explicit if I write in English. Actually, I found it is fun while I am practicing my writing skill. So, I am sorry if my words and sentences are not perfect. I am still learning, guys. Thank you for asking me.”

“Monday again, I start again with a routine but always in the new spirit. Thank you for asking me.”

“Do you know there is a coffee stall near my working place. They have opened for 3 or 4 months, I assumed, I forgot actually. The name is Kulo, I think you’ll be familiar with the name, they are in everywhere. I’ve liked the coffee since they opened and I tried it for the first time. I buy a glass of ‘Es Kopi Susu’ everyday, almost. And that is what I did in this morning. That always be my mood booster. You guys have to try! Thank you for asking me.”

“Hey, I have a bucket list for sharing my thought based on book and film that I’ve watched in line with something that was viral in social media. But, I am sorry, I am still not getting into, I will and I promise. Thank you for asking me.”

“I am thinking for looking some clothes in Uniqlo (You know I did this last Sunday). I hope I will go there in the next Saturday since I have no plan for going home (Depok) this weekend. Anyone want to come with me? Thank you for asking me.”


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