I want to write, just want to express it.
This morning was like always. I was going back to Bandung from my weekend in Depok. Nothing was special, I slept along the way. “Syi, do you want to meet? Let’s go if you want to tell something. We will do the surprise for her later” - Thank you! it means a lot for me, I really need those words.

I feel so relieved after tell a thing to someone, even a really little thing. I always complain that I don’t have anyone to share. I do have many but I just can’t let them entering my closet to see the problem, the mess side of me. I might still don’t trust them or I am not ready to suffer alone because their response will be not as I expected. I still can’t feel to person who is honest and with her/his heart-whole listen to mine. Meanwhile I always try to do that way.

“You should tell! You have to!”, said by someone in this afternoon. I wish but I haven’t know who and how. It is not easy for me, I swear!

I have told someone that I used to scroll my contact list in whatsapp then I wish someone who possibly I call and give her/his time to hear my story about nothing. In the end, the answer is still nothing. No wonder for me :)
Thank you for asking me.


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